Welcome, fellow junkies! It's Jenna, your fearless archivist. This page contains all the addicts' favorite angst stories that were sent to me (and a few others, which are just really good in my opinion). Also stored here are the fics of the week that are recommended on the main page, the Angst-Addicts Mailing List improv stories (yeah! Go me and Emily!!!), and a few other links. Have fun! Well, actually, no, don't have fun, that's the point of angst... okay, shut *up* Jenna! ::kicks herself::


Hold your horses! There aren't any stories up yet, mainly because I don't have the time to go and hunt for good angst. Therefore, I need you addicts to send me the title, author, and possible location of your favorite angst story. If everyone does their part and I get at least two story recs from each addict, then we'll have a pretty good-sized archive up in a jiffy.


email me!

Everyone cheer for Becca, who went above and beyond and sent me a busload of stories! Woohoo!


Other than that, there's no news to report, so go check out the other pages in the archive!






Come visit our main page!



email me!


Also, email those two wonderful ladies who lead us through the rivers of tears...